Thursday, January 14, 2010

Status Update

Well, Rowan is no longer contagious from the pink eye in both eyes, but he is snoring up a storm with some congestion and has a little cough. He weighed 26 lbs at the dr visit and has been talking a lot, saying things like: Sponge Bob, meemaw, papaw, Pop, Dantie (Aunt L), lollie (on special occasion), Ow, Go, Kitty Cat, I love you, more, Beck (his sitter), Whoo Woo (for train), Book, Nemo (fish), Bite, Cheeto, Bok Bok (chicken) etc. He loves to tell the cats to Go or Git and refuses to say Dadda when ronnie asks--drives him crazy! lol And he gives the sweetest sugars!!

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