Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Staying Cool

Row made this and named it "Shreveport" Grinning extra big at "Chunky Cheese" Holding there latest catches still wet from water hose Getting ready for his turn on the lawnmower...ha! Rowan got something in his eye last time so this is the new protective wear! I love this pic of the boys sitting together hanging out! Rowan enjoying the lizard he picked out!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Swimming Saturday

My friend let us borrow his pool for the weekend and we had a blast--minus the awful sunburn im still suffering!

The Newest Kids toy--the Dryer!

These boys had a blast crawling and playing hide and seek in the dryer!! Tech's cutest fan by far!! Pops should be so proud!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Swimming lessons

These are the stepping stones Lollie and Pops brought back for them with their initial! love them Batman to the rescue This was GrandReeda's old glider I remember snapping green beans on as a kid on Oklahoma street. Ronnie sanded it and gave it a fresh coat of paint. I will cherish it always!! My baby Ash Row's new goggles for swim lessons--he's doing great!! He jumped off the diving board three times yest!