Friday, March 27, 2009

Biedenharn Gardens

My friend Mandy brought her camara and took pics of her daughter Lexi and Rowan. Unfortunately, it was one of those "no smile in front of the camara" days, but we had fun and did get a few cute ones together.

Are we done yet?

What do I do with my hands?

Baby Babble

Rowan's babbling has finally turned into actual words....first being Ba Ba (which I think this refers to mommy because he mainly says it when he's upset and wanting me), Da Da, then he said Bye Bye this morning. Yay! He is working on his wave too (with his left hand, hmmm). We are so proud!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Lollie and I had a time trying to plant flowers with Rowan. He is definitely ALL BOY and wanted the dirt in his mouth and to pull all the flowers off the stems. He also would ram all the pots with his walker. He was filthy by the time it was all over, but he wanted to help so bad.

I just happened to catch him eyeing this (freshly planted) flower, but was too late to stop him from grabbing it. Oh well, Makes for a cute pic anyway!

Lazy Sunday

Another Bath Tub Shot

Movie Star Poses

I don't know what Im supposed to be looking at with the blinds closed, but whatever.

Yes, my mom gets bored and loves to pose me!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just Me and Row

He was in awe of these balloons we had for Carey's baby shower.

Lollie and Pops

They don't feed me! This is edible, right?

Mr Handsome

This was at Holli's wedding shower!

My Lil Sweeper

Why he loves the broom, I don't know, but why ask why?

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Lil Crocs

Now he can go to work at the hospital and get an early start on that MD!

Dressed For Success!

Hey Stella, wanna play with me?

Knocked Out!

We Nap When He Naps

Im still so sleepy!

Row and Aunt L