Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Great Wolf Lodge Vacation 2013

We bought they're magic wands that activated all kind of cool games all around the hotel--they call them "quests' you must complete them all to slay the dragon in the end.  Everything was so cool and magical!

This place was amazing--everything a kid could ask for in a water park!
Notice the huge bucket in the pic, every 10 min it would dump a huge amount of water on those below

Asher pretending to sleep in their bunk bed room

Warming up in the hot tub

This reminds me of the banana boat ride in Jaws! ha

The wave pool was super fun!

Took us forever to get a pic of Rowan underwater, but we did it!

Little do they know they were about to ride the scariest ride there--Rowan was a trooper and didnt cry but said he wouldn't ever do that one again!

He was about to attempt making it across the pool on the logs--he almost made it

This was right after Six Flags--we rode everything we could there and ready to head hm

Rowan wanted a pic of everyone with their trolley passes

"Angel wings" Rowan calls it

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