Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random Thoughts

Well, I have been too lazy or nauseated to take many pics lately, but I promise to catch up soon. I go to Dr Wilson today for my 12 wk appt--I think thus far I have only gained 3 pds, we'll find out the truth at 330. Rowan had a fever the night before, which was later diagnosed with a virus, so I got to spend my Mon in the drs office with him. Luckily, no more fever and Aunt L is with him today to spoil him rotten. He is so funny now and has become quite the mockingbird. I can just look at him and see he is absorbing so much information all the time. Like yesterday, he looked at Ronnie and said, "you're MY dadda." and Ronnie said, "are you sure Im not Mommas dadda?" and he responded, "no youre MY dadda and I love you very much!" Melted his heart!! Then in the bathtub last night we sang "He's got the whole world in his hands...where I would include him and all our family members, but he only wanted us to sing, "He's got Rowan and Brylee (his gfriend) in his hands--over and over," just grinning ear to ear. Then while preparing his bottle, I was trying to explain that milk comes from cows, but Rowan was not pleased with this explanation, and said, "Rowan's milk....no no cow!" Lastly, he must say goodbye to everything as we leave the house in the morning. For instance, he'll say: "bye dadda's car, bye thomas, bye reese, bye house," and so on. And his new way to get you to hold him is to run in the room and say "I scared, hold me?" Who could resist--he's so much smarter than we give him credit for. lol God love him, his sweet expressions, and hilarious sayings. Hope everyone is well, and I will take any prayers my way for the nausea and h/a to end soon!

1 comment:

Lollie said...

Will be so glad when you feel better. This pregnancy has been a rough one for you. I pray that the Lord will ease your nausea and to make you feel good again.