Monday, August 10, 2009

My First Day of School

I think I was more upset than anyone and cried like a baby...Rowan seemed to be fine when I left...but I will call and check on him too. He's going half days this week to ease him in. I really am excited about everyone he'll meet and what all he'll learn.


Lollie said...

Can't believe Rowan is going to daycare! Our baby is growing up and learning new things! Hope he has a good day. . .we love you Rowan!

Aunt Phyl said...

He will have such FUN today watching the other children and learning to interact, new toys. Remember he is NEVER out of God's sight!

carey said...

Look at that baby!!! Mom and Dad, I can't believe you left him there. Just kidding! I hope you are able to function at work today. Oh, how I cried.
P.S. Jake only lasted 3 1/2 hours the first day. lol